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Function Synopsis

d = trfcp(varargin)

Help text

       trfcp [-r {runset}] [-v [varset]] [-rs runtext] [-vs [vartext]] [-ar] [-mr] file1 file2 

Description: trfcp scans through file1 to find the specified run sets 
             and variable sets, then, writes them to file2. If file2 does
             not exist, it will creates a new trf file called file2.
             Otherwise, user will choose either to merge trf files or
             to append one trf file to another. If two runs have the same
             names, merging operation will merge them together as one
             run. Appending operation will append file1 to the end of file2.

Input Parameters:
      runset:    Run numbers. multiple run numbers need be separated by commas. 
      varset:    Variable numbers. multiple var numbers need be separated by commas. 
      runtext:   A string of characters. by setting -rs flag, trfcp will search 
                 all runs with name contains that string. 
      vartext:   A strings of characters. by setting -vs flag, trfcp will search all variables 
                 with name contains that string.
      ar:        A flag indicates appending runs, ar is also the default setting.
      mr:        A flag indicates merging runs. by default, mr flag is set.
      file1:     The source file. 
      file2:     The target file. if file2 exists, the contents of file2 will not be removed. 
                 By default, file1 and file2 are in the same directory.

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