tempusSystem Class AlignmentMonitor
AlignmentMonitor is part of the WaveTrain system class library

AlignmentMonitor is simply an AlighnmentSensor placed with a beam splitter. The system is meant to unobtrusively measure the average tilts, centers, and intensities of beams which pass through this portion of the beamline. Unfortunately, unless it is perfectly timed with other sensors, it will have the side-effect of causing additional beam propagations where they may not be wanted.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
minWavelength  float   Minimum wavelength sensed (m)   0.633e-06
maxWavelength  float   Maximum wavelength sensed (m)   0.633e-06
useTilts  bool   Flag indicating that register tilts are to be included   true
useField  bool   Flag indicating that field tilts are to be included   false
intensityWeighted  bool   Flag indicating whether the output should be intensity weighted.   false
seriesLength  int   Length of series of Waves for which individual results should be reported.   0
computationalLag  double   Delay between when exposure is made and measurement becomes available (s)   0.0
exposureInterval  double   ddd   0.001
exposureLength  double   Length of time of each exposure (s)   0.000001
sampleInterval  double      0.0
incident  WaveTrain   Incident light   WaveTrain()
on  bool   On/off switch   false
transmitted  WaveTrain   Passed-light   
tilts  Vector<float>   Measured beam tilts (rad)   
centers  Vector<float>   Measured beam centers (m)   
intensity  Vector<float>   Total beam intensities (W)   
waveCount  int      

Subsystem icon
  AlignmentSensor    AS
minWavelength  float   minWavelength
maxWavelength  float   maxWavelength
useTilts  bool   useTilts
useField  bool   useField
intensityWeighted  bool   intensityWeighted
seriesLength  int   seriesLength
computationalLag  double   computationalLag

Subsystem icon
  NEBeamsplitter    BS

BS.westIncident  <<=  incident
AS.on  <<=  on
transmitted  <<=  BS.eastTransmitted
tilts  <<=  AS.tilts
centers  <<=  AS.centers
intensity  <<=  AS.intensity
waveCount  <<=  AS.waveCount
AS.incident  <<=  BS.northTransmitted
Last Saved: Tue Sep 03 19:45:08 MDT 2002 by TVE version 2007B