tempusSystem Class CentroidTracker
CentroidTracker is part of the WaveTrain system class library

CentroidTracker implements a windowed, thresholded centroid tracker. Type 1 and 2 centroids may be done on continuous or binary images. The algorithm may be set to 01, 02, 03, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, or 23. The first digit indicates which type of relative thresholding is used: 0 means relThreshold is interpretted a fraction of the maximum image value, 1 means that relThreshold interpretted a fraction of the mean image value, and 2 means that relThreshold interpretted a fraction of the standard deviation of the image values. The second digit indicates the specific centroid algorithm: 1 means type 1 (subtract the threshold from all values above the threshold and set all values below the threshold to zero), 2 means type 2 (do not modify the values greater than or equal to the threshold and set all values below the threshold to zero), and 3 means binary (set all values greater than or equal to the threshold to 1 and all below the threshold to zero). The threshold is calculated at the maximum of the absolute threshold (absThreshold) and the relative threshold (relThreshold*val, where val is specified by the first algorithm digit). The output vector info is length 13: algorithm, max value, [x,y] location of max (pixels),[x,y] location of max (ame units as grid spacing), mean value, standard deviation, rel threshold, threshold, integral(grid), integral(grid*x),integral(grid*y)

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
centroid0  Vector<float>   Default value used for centroid and peakloc.   Vector()
grid  Grid<float>   Grid to be centroided.   Grid()
algorithm  int   Identifier of algorithm to be used. See description for valid values.   2
absThreshold  float   Absolute threshold.   0.0
relThreshold  float   Relative threshold.   0.0
window  Vector<float>   Window within the input image to be used for centroiding (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).   Vector()
centroid  Vector<float>   Coordinates of the centroid (same units as grid spacing). Vector()  
peakloc  Vector<float>   Coordinates of the peak pixel (same units as grid spacing). Vector()  
info  Vector<float>   Misc. information about the processed image. Vector()  

Last Saved: Tue Feb 26 11:17:25 MST 2008 by TVE version 2008A