tempusSystem Class ThresholdGridFloat
ThresholdGridFloat is part of the WaveTrain system class library

ThresholdGridFloat thresholds a Grid< float >. The type 1 or type 2 threshold applied to the grid is the greater of the user-defined absthreshold, or the calculated threshold rt. The threshold rt is calculated based on the statistics of a windowed running average of the grid, using one of the following algorithms (relativealg): (0) [relative threshold not used] (1) rt = relthreshold * max(average grid) (2) rt = relthreshold * min(average grid) (3) rt = relthreshold * mean(average grid) (4) rt = max(average grid) + relthreshold * std(current grid) (5) rt = max(average grid) + relthreshold * std(average grid) (6) rt = min(average grid) + relthreshold * std(current grid) (7) rt = min(average grid) + relthreshold * std(average grid) (8) rt = mean(average grid) + relthreshold * std(current grid) (9) rt = mean(average grid) + relthreshold * std(average grid) If the user-defined absthreshold and rt are both zero (or if absthreshold is zero and the relative threshold is not used), the grid is passed through unchanged.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
grid  Grid<float>   Input grid   Grid()
absthreshold  float   Absolute threshold   0.0
relthreshold  float   Relative threshold used to calculate the threshold rt according to the algorithm relativealg   0.0
thresholdtype  int   Threshold type: (1) values less than threshold set to zero; (2) threshold subtracted from all values, negative values set to zero   1
relativealg  int   Relative threshold algorithm: see system description. Set to zero if relative threshold is not desired.   0
nframes  int   Number of frames in windowed running average   1
gridout  Grid<float>   Thresholded grid Grid()  
threshold  float   Threshold applied; the greater of absthreshold or calculated relative threshold rt 0.0  
nover  int   Number of grid pixels above threshold 0  

Last Saved: Thu May 29 20:57:46 MDT 2003 by TVE version 2007B