Atmosphere and wind. Parameters simplify the specification of the various atmsopheric parameters an the expense of generality. The propagation geometry is assumed to be the same on both incoming and outgoing paths. No filters are used. Wind is constant throughout the atmsophere.
Parameters |
AtmSpec |  AcsAtmSpec | Specification of atmosphere | AcsAtmSpec() |
AtmSeed |  int | Random seed for phase screens | -9876543212 |
propnxy |  int | Number of grid points on the propagation grid | 256 |
propdxy |  float | Propagation grid spacing (m) | 0.01 |
vplat |  Vector<float> | Platform velocity (x,y in m/s) | ZeroVecF(2) |
vtarg |  Vector<float> | Target velocity (x,y in m/s) | ZeroVecF(2) |
vwind |  Vector<float> | Wind velocity assumed uniform throughout (x,y, m/s) | ZeroVecF(2) |
tmax |  float | Maximum length of time used to size phase screens (s) | 0.01 |
Dap |  float | Diameter of telescope aperture (m) | 0.4 |
Inputs |
outgoingincident |  WaveTrain | Outgoing incident light | WaveTrain() |
incomingincident |  WaveTrain | Incoming incident light | WaveTrain() |
Outputs |
outgoingtransmitted |  WaveTrain | Outgoing transmitted light | WaveTrain() |
incomingtransmitted |  WaveTrain | Incoming transmitted light | WaveTrain() |
Connections |
transversevelocity2.incomingIncident | <<= | incomingincident |
transversevelocity.outgoingIncident | <<= | outgoingincident |
outgoingtransmitted | <<= | transversevelocity2.outgoingTransmitted |
incomingtransmitted | <<= | transversevelocity.incomingTransmitted |
transversevelocity2.outgoingIncident | <<= | atmosphericpath.outgoingTransmitted |
transversevelocity.incomingIncident | <<= | atmosphericpath.incomingTransmitted |
atmosphericpath.outgoingIncident | <<= | transversevelocity.outgoingTransmitted |
atmosphericpath.incomingIncident | <<= | transversevelocity2.incomingTransmitted |