tempusSystem Class BeamSteeringMirror_dmk
BeamSteeringMirror_dmk is part of the WaveTrain system class library

BeamSteeringMirror_dmk models both the mechanical dynamics and the optical effects (applied tilts) of a beam steering mirror. The mirror is modeled as a two-axis damped harmonic oscillator (not necessarily critically damped). Tilt is given in radians of optical tilt, equal to twice the tilt of the mirror surface. Tilts applied to the reference wavefront, as opposed to putting them into the complex field. An idealized tilt sensor (actually just a delay) measures the optical tilts and makes them available as an output

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
timeLimit  double   Maximum amount of time that recallable outputs must be kept (if zero, then forever) (s)   0.0
dtilt  float   damping coefficient (m*xdotdot + d*xdot + k*x =c, where x = actuator position, c= actuator command)   2.0 * timeConstant
mtilt  float   mass (m*xdotdot + d*xdot + k*x =c, where x = actuator position, c= actuator command)   pow(timeConstant,2.0)
ktilt  float   spring constant (m*xdotdot + d*xdot + k*x =c, where x = actuator position, c= actuator command)   1.0
pos0  Vector<float>   Initial position   Vector()
vel0  Vector<float>   Initial velocity   Vector()
acc0  Vector<float>   Initial acceleration (command)   Vector()
incomingIncident  WaveTrain   describes all light incident from the "incoming" direction   WaveTrain()
outgoingIncident  WaveTrain   describes all light incident from the "outgoing" direction   WaveTrain()
tiltCommands  Vector<float>   tilt commands (radians)   ZeroVecF(2)
incomingTransmitted  WaveTrain   describes all light transmitted in the "incoming" direction   
outgoingTransmitted  WaveTrain   describes all light transmitted in the "outgoing" direction   
measuredTilts  Vector<float>   measured tilts (radians) (from an ideal pickoff sensor)   

Subsystem icon
  ActuatorDynamics_dmk    actdyn_dmk
nact  int   2
d  float   dtilt
m  float   mtilt
k  float   ktilt
timeLimit  double   timeLimit
pos0  Vector<float>   pos0
vel0  Vector<float>   vel0
acc0  Vector<float>   acc0

Subsystem icon
  Tilt    tilt
applyToField  bool   false

Subsystem icon
  Delay    delay
delay  float   1.0e-10f

tilt.incomingIncident  <<=  incomingIncident
tilt.outgoingIncident  <<=  outgoingIncident
actdyn_dmk.actuatorCommands  <<=  tiltCommands
incomingTransmitted  <<=  tilt.incomingTransmitted
outgoingTransmitted  <<=  tilt.outgoingTransmitted
measuredTilts  <<=  delay.delayedVector
tilt.tilt  <<=  actdyn_dmk.actuatorPositions
delay.recallableVector  <<=  actdyn_dmk.actuatorPositions
Last Saved: Tue Sep 03 21:04:59 MDT 2002 by TVE version 2007B