tempusSystem Class CoherentTarget
CoherentTarget is part of the WaveTrain system class library

CoherentTarget models the return from an optically-rough reflector illuminated by temporally coherent light. The reflecting surface is defined by a mesh of points with random uncorrelated OPDs drawn from a uniform distribution with a specified height range. If the propagation mesh does not match the surface mesh, bilinear interpolation is used to obtain the OPD at the points of the propagation mesh.
The surface roughness phase factor can be multiplied by a non-uniform intensity reflectance map.
CoherentTarget has a single WaveTrain input, representing the incident light, and a single WaveTrain output, representing the transmitted (reflected) light.
See the WT User Guide for further discussion of the properties and options of WaveTrain's rough-reflector modules. CoherentTarget, IncoherentReflector and PartiallyCoherentReflector are WaveTrain's three basic physical models for representing wave-optics scattering from an optically-rough surface.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
reflectance  Grid<float>   Intensity reflectance map (BRDF)   Grid()
iseed  int   Random seed for roughness profile.   -987654333
meanRoughness  float   0.5*(peak-valley) of uniform surface height distribution (m)   10.0e-06
incident  WaveTrain   Incident WaveTrain   WaveTrain()
transmitted  WaveTrain   Transmitted WaveTrain WaveTrain()  
phase  Grid<float>   Random roughness profile (m) Grid()  
illumination  Grid<float>   Illumination intensity (W/m^2) Grid()  
returned  Grid<float>   Returned intensity (W/m^2) Grid()  

Last Saved: Fri Feb 01 09:23:06 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B