tempusSystem Class Focus
Focus is part of the WaveTrain system class library

Focus models the optical effect of a focusing element, i.e., it changes the curvature of an incident complex field. More precisely, Focus applies a unit-amplitude quadratic-phase factor to the incident complex field. The sign convention is that positive "focusDistance" makes the wavefront more convergent, while negative "focusDistance" makes the wavefront less convergent, regardless of the direction of propagation. The focus is applied to both incoming and outgoing light that passes through the Focus module.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
focusDistance  Recallable<float>   Focus distance (m); must be a "Recallable", which supports looking back in time   recallableFloat(1.00e20)
incomingIncident  WaveTrain   Describes all light incident from the "incoming" direction   WaveTrain()
outgoingIncident  WaveTrain   Describes all light incident from the "outgoing" direction   WaveTrain()
incomingTransmitted  WaveTrain   Describes all light transmitted in the "incoming" direction   
outgoingTransmitted  WaveTrain   Describes all light transmitted in the "outgoing" direction   

Last Saved: Mon Feb 04 13:49:16 MST 2008 by TVE version 2008A