tempusSystem Class MovingPointSource
MovingPointSource is part of the WaveTrain system class library

MovingPointSource models a continuous wave point source which radiates in all directions, at a constant specified brightness. IF the input "on" is set to "true", then MovingPointSource is on from t=-infinity: this means it can provide light to a sensor even if the sensor timing requires light to leave the source prior to t=0. However, MovingPointSource can also be triggered to transition to the "on" state at some definite time by attaching a SquareWave to the "on" input (see the WT User Guide).
Two different point source modeling approaches (see the WT User Guide) are presently supported. In the first, the initial field is nonzero at only a single mesh point, and spatial filtering, absorbing boundaries, and/or large meshes are used to avoid wraparound. In the second, we use a back-propagation technique that preserves only that part of the energy which will propagate to the neighborhood of the aperture. The second is the default and recommended method, and works with the superaperture setting in AtmoPath or PropagationController. Note that the input, r, is used differently by MovingPointSource and MovingPulsedPointSource; MovingPointSource treats r as displacment from the initial location, r0 wheras MovingPulsedPointSource treats r as the absolute position of the source.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
wavelength  float   Wavelength (m)   1.0e-06
power  float   intensity of source (Watts/steradian)   1.0e+06
r0  Vector<float>   Initial position of source (m,m)   Vector(2)
on  bool   On/Off control   false
r  Vector<float>   Position of source (m,m) relative to initial position   Vector(2)
transmitted  WaveTrain   Transmitted point source   

Last Saved: Tue Jan 29 12:12:54 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B