tempusSystem Class PartiallyCoherentReflector
PartiallyCoherentReflector is part of the WaveTrain system class library

PartiallyCoherentReflector models the reflected return from an optically-rough surface which has macroscopic surface depth on the order of or shorter than the temporal coherence length of the incident light. The physical/mathematical model used by PartiallyCoherentReflector is more precise in modeling partial coherence than the rough intuitive model of IncoherentReflector.
See the WT User Guide for further discussion of the physical/mathematical model encoded in PartiallyCoherentReflector, and related explanation of the module parameters. Also, see the Guide for properties and options in general of WaveTrain's rough-reflector modules. CoherentTarget, IncoherentReflector and PartiallyCoherentReflector are WaveTrain's three basic physical models for representing wave-optics scattering from an optically-rough surface.

Tempus Block Diagram Editor Snapshot
reflectance  Grid<float>   Intensity reflectance map (BRDF)   Grid
surfaceDepth  Grid<float>   Macroscopic surface depth map, reflector shape (m)   Grid
cavityLength  float   Controls periodicity of relative coherence of longitudinal modes (m)   1.0
coherenceLength  float   Coherence length of longitudinal modes (m)   1.0
iseedCoherence  int   Random number seed for complex amplitude temporal realization (periodic with period 2*cavityLength)   -987654323
meanRoughness  float   2*(peak-valley) of micro surface roughness distribution (m)   0.00001
iseedRoughness  int   Random number seed for micro surface roughness   -987654325
propNxy  int   Grid size for returned wave   512
propDxy  float   Grid spacing for returned wave (m)   0.001
nWaves  int   Number of temporal realizations to be added at sensor   0
incident  WaveTrain   Describes all incident light   WaveTrain()
transmitted  WaveTrain   Describes all transmitted light   
illumination  Grid<float>   Intensity map of the incident illumination (W/m^2)   
illuminationInfo  Vector<float>   Misc. information concerning the illuminating Waves   
returned  Grid<float>   Intensity map of the returned illumination (W/m^2)   

Last Saved: Thu Jan 31 15:56:34 MST 2008 by TVE version 2007B