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Function Synopsis
[trfhw, runs, vars] = trfwild(trfh, runtext, vartext)
Help text
Usage: [trfhw, runs, vars] = trfwild(trfh, {runtext}|{runsin}, {vartext}|{varsin})
Description: Given a trf_handle, trfwild returns another trf_handle
which is a subset of the original. The subset contains only those
runs having run names which contain at least one of the strings
in runtext and variables containing at least one of the strings
in vartext. The string comparisons are NOT case sensitive.
Input Parameters:
trfh: A trf_handle created by a previous trf toolbox function.
runtext: A character matrix containing strings for which the run names
are to be searched. Multiple strings may be searched for (in
an or fashion) using char. For example to search for both
'dog' and 'moose', specify char('dog','moose'). If runtext is
empty or not specified, then all runs are considered to have
met the runtext criteria.
runsin: Indeces of the runs to be included (instead of specifying search strings).
vartext: A character matrix containing strings for which the variable names
are to be searched. Multiple strings may be searched for (in
an or fashion) using char. For example to search for both
'dog' and 'moose', specify char('dog','moose'). If vartext is
empty or not specified, then all variables are considered to have
met the vartext criteria.
varsin: Indeces of the vars to be included (instead of specifying search strings).
Return Variables:
trfhw: A trf_handle containing only those runs and variables which met
the search string criteria.
runs: The indeces of the runs that were selected.
vars: The indeces of the vars that were selected.
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls
This function is called by
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