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WaveTrain and tempus
Matlab mfiles Documentation Index

Matlab Directory Indices

trf.tbx Identifiers

istrfparam istrfrun trf_handle trf_rack trf_run trf_var trfavg trfavgr trfbuildcreatestringtrfclose trfcp trfload trfloaddata trfloaddatablocktrfloadinfo trfloadonevar trfloadparams trfloadrunheaderstrfloadvar trfloadx trfls trfmerge trfmread trfopen trfrack trfrcplot trfrlist trfsel trfselcallback trfselglobal trfselhclean trfselhinit trfseltrim trftracerun trftrim trfvlist trfwild

tmx.tbx Identifiers

istmxhandle tfuntmpl.m tmx_handle tmx_param tmx_recout tmxcompparams tmxcreate tmxdel tmxload tmxmkdll tmxnow tmxout tmxout_all tmxout_dft tmxoutls tmxparams tmxrecoff tmxrecon tmxrun tmxsetinp tmxstoprecout trm trmcreate trmrun

Adaptive Optics Routines

actind actmap aogeom aoinf aorecon lsfmap lsfptos lsfptosw opdc